Went to Watson's office to collect my cheque, Yay! $$$$$
After getting my cheque, had lunch with boyf
and we headed to Milly's @ Far east plaza!

Look at the lady boss!
Hahahas, shake leg and do nails in her shop all day long! :D
I think it's really cool that Milly expanded her buisness so quickly,
just in one year, from one shop that only have
nails and hair extension services,

Now she does Hair extension, Nail services,
Lash extensions/perming, Waxing, Facials, Threading
and not forgetting her Thai massage place @ level #02-83!
Milly's have indeed become the all-in-one beauty stop!
Doing my nails @ Milly's!

Did gel extension for 3 of my nails cos my index &
middle finger nails is always alot shorter than the rest!

Done with the gel extension, and with the base colour~
Muahahaha, my boyf is very "hiao" as well!
Guess what is he doing @ Milly's while i'm doing my nails?


Actually i forced him to do it!
Hahahas, since he have a very hairy face.. :x
PLUS! i needed himn to be my guinea pig 1st!
Hehehe let him try and see if threading is painful then i'll do!
Heh, but after the whole process is done his face is so smooth
and not monkey-ish hairy looking anymooooooore!
Me looooooooooooooove~~
Back to my nails, back to my nails!!!

Applying the gel top coat so it lasts longer!

Drying my nails under the UV lamp,
Milly told me it's actually the same kind of
thingy people use for indoors tanning,just that this is for nails.
So i asked boyf if my hand will come out like
different colour as my arm or not!!!

Look at my pretty naaaaaaaaaails! I love it luh~
The colour combi looks really sweet
and the hand painted flower is so prettttttty!
Initially when the manicurist showed me the sample for this pattern,
i thought she used a nail sticker or sth!
But it's drawed on, petal by petal!

Here's the pricelist for the nails services @ milly's!
![milly's nail ]promo](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2644/3706175682_b38f82d2ae_o.jpg)
Anyway, Milly's is having a promotion
for the most popular Nano gold facial!

It's really really really cheap luh, normally
Nano-gold treatments wouldcost you around $150 elsewhere?
So make and appointment and try it out asap!
Call 83835395 to make your appointment now!
Milly's is located @ Far east Plaza, #03-129!
Check out other services Milly's provide
@ http://www.milly-s.blogspot.com/
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